Monday, February 4, 2008

Cool Green Cast

Caleb is going to be in a walking cast for at least 2 weeks - let's hope he starts walking in the next couple of days. We still don't know what exactly happened and the doctor isn't positive he even has a fracture but it's better to be safe, you know.

More pictures from today...


Kim said...

Shell you've been posting a lot lately...I'm going to have to get on the ball! I can't believe how much snow you've gotten. How many inches is it? Poor Caleb...I hope the cast fixes whatever is going on.

Michelle said...

Hey Kim! I really feel the cast is helping Caleb, but I guess we'll find out when they take it off. I have no idea how much snow we have. They say it's the most in 10 years. I think I could handle a break in the snow for a week.