Friday, October 31, 2008

What can you buy for $20?

At Safeway today my bill started at $98 but I paid only $21. Here's what I bought:

-6 Cheerios

-2 Smart Balance butter 2packs

-2 Whole wheat spagetti

-Velveeta cheese slices

-2 boxes whole wheat waffuls

- box of mandarins

- trash bags

- Green giant frozen veggies

- 2 cans olives

- 2 cans Progresso soup

- bag pancake mix

- Joshua picked some ice cream for his birthday - it wasn't on sale & I didn't have a coupon so it alone cost $4.99.

22 items for $21


Grandma & Grandpa said...

Shell, You're so good at that stuff! Yous should write a book, give seminars, or something that's just amazing. love mom

Unknown said...
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Beeb said...

Great trip! :)

Sorry about the double post, I was having issues logging into my Google account.