Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day Hike

On Mother's Day we took a 2 1/2 hour hike up Grizzly Creek. Here's beautiful Kate with a flower she picked in her hair.

Here's the rocks Nathaniel just "had" to have me take a picture of.

We were able to see 2 snakes this time. I wasn't able to get a picture of either of them.

My troops all in a row.

There were lots of butterflies that let Nathaniel touch them. He was excited about that.

This is the same rock we took their picture on last year. Click here to see that picture.

Here's a bone that the kids found.

I always think Caleb is trying to do the Captain Morgan "stand" when I look at this picture. He'll be proud of that someday, I figure.

Some beautiful wild Red Columbines.

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