Monday, March 10, 2008

Unexpected news about Nathaniel

We have had an unusual 12 hours. Most of the kids are sick they either caught what the neighbors had or picked up some bug at the grocery store. Last night about 3am Nathaniel woke up screaming, he seemed like he had maybe fallen out of bed and he wouldn't let us touch or move his left leg. It was a tough morning with him screaming with almost every movement. He started doing a little better at about 8 - took him to the doctor at 10 and mentioned about Caleb's leg, as it turns out it's the same leg. Anyway Nathaniel actually walked for the doctor & she couldn't tell anything was wrong - maybe something hurt it & maybe part of it may be wanting some attention. Anyway I'm quite glad I took him because she did find out that he has a murmur. Now he will be seen by the visiting cardiologist here and we are asking everyone to pray that it is not serious. Joshua has subaortic stenosis - basically a narrowing of the valve in his heart, don't know if this is genetic or not but I had the doctor double check on all the kids and it seems that Nathaniel & Joshua are the only ones who have a murmur. Nathaniel has always been small & I just hope this is not in part due to his heart. Anyway his leg is doing just fine, they didn't even take X-rays and he was out running all over the place this afternoon. I think deep down he maybe thought he could get a cast too, he thought it was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We hope everything is going better for all the boys! We will keep you in our prayers!